You vacuum, sweep, dust, and even give your pet a bath! But your clean air filter still becomes covered with “stuff” that has been floating around in your house. Your filters reveal a dirty little secret - your home and the air you breathe aren’t as clean as you may think!
Replacing a dirty, clogged filter with a clean one can lower your air conditioner's energy consumption by 5% to 15%.1
Different types of filters are made to capture different types of particulates floating around inside your home. “Particulates” is the fancy word for the dirty “stuff” found in your filter. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a basic low MERV mechanical filter may capture some of your home’s:
- Dust

According to Greek mythology, the seasons have a lot to do with Demeter, the Goddess of the Harvest and the Fertility of the Earth. When her daughter Persephone was kidnapped and wed to Hades, the God of the underworld, Demeter became so depressed that she could not care for the lands. As a result, the vegetation died and winter took over!
But, lucky for us, a deal was struck with Hades! Persephone was allowed to return to the Earth from the underworld for six months of the year. Once Persephone appeared, Demeter rejoiced, the soil was warmed by the sun, grains were planted, flowers bloomed, and spring arrived!
But when the time came for Persephone to return to the Underworld, Demeter’s mood darkened, and the earth became cold and barren once again. So, if you just wait it out, then Persephone and spring will arrive!
Luckily, a properly operational HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system can ‘override’

Home construction techniques and materials are continually improving! The variety of advanced technology and energy-efficiency products that are available for today’s home builder has resulted in newly constructed homes becoming more air-tight! That said, the law of unintended consequences has introduced an unforeseen downside to this quantum leap in construction quality. Ventilation solutions, once considered a luxury, are now a necessity in air-tight homes!
Breath: Inhale and Exhale
Some new homes don‘t “breathe” the way older homes used to be able to “breathe.” The air-tight construction may trap stale air in your home. Pet smells, cooking odors, and off-gassing of household furnishings, like carpets and furniture, combine to create an indoor environment that may not be as fresh as you‘d like. Opening windows to allow your home to “exhale” can

Are you fond of gas furnaces? If so, you join a long history of heat-seeking furnace enthusiasts who feverishly wanted to keep warm on those cold, winter nights.
1. Chersiphron and The Temple of Artemis – The Temple of Artemis, one of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World, was designed by Greek architect Chersiphron. The Temple was built with a central heating system around 350 BC, which at the time was an incredible engineering marvel! To create warmth, a large fire was used to heat air that would be forced through giant flues that were planted in the ground. These hot flues would heat the floor and eventually the air in the entire temple.1
2. Ancient Romans - Roman engineers developed an “advanced” central heating system known as the hypocaust. The wealthy Romans raise

Let’s face it...a smart home sounds great! Who wouldn’t want to have a home that is programmed to understand your every want and need – often before you do!
But many homeowners are reluctant to jump on the smart home craze. They believe it may be too expensive and complicated! But if you know how to use a smartphone, Wi-Fi, and can download apps, chances are you are capable of creating a smart home.
Smart Hubs
If you plan on installing multiple smart products, it’s important to research “hubs.” Hubs are the “central intelligence” products that allow smart products to communicate with each other. There are many hub options available. More and more companies, including Google and Nest, are getting into the smart home marketplace which is bringing the cost down. While hubs are becoming easier to use, you should researc

Your home is your castle, but you need to protect your castle from the harsh winter weather. Don’t throw energy savings out the window or the door! Homeowners should take the time to inspect, fix, install, or clean out any areas that can help you better prepare for the winter ahead!
Below are ten tips to get you started:
Get a check-up from an HVAC Dealer: To get your heating system ready for the cold winter nights, a professional or licensed HVAC technician should inspect your central heating system.
2. Set back Thermostat or Control System: Pre-set the heat according to your lifestyle and comfort level. A
programmable thermostat can save you